Heldalf, who as a human was once captain of those knights, also knows the arte and has an improved version called True Lion's Howl. Sergei Strelka and Boris Strelka are the only living people who are capable of using it until Sergei teaches it to Sorey. In Tales of Zestiria, Lion's Howl is passed down through the Platinum Knights. Although this arte was also localized as "Beast" until recently, both artes are considered to be completely different attacks, with different names in Japan. In Tales of Symphonia, Presea Combatir has a significantly more powerful version of this arte than Lloyd Irving, now officially localized as Punishing Beast after the release of Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology. Additionally, in Tales of the Abyss, the arte can be used within a complete Wind or Light FOF Circle to transform it into Thunder Beast. It is one of the easiest Divine Skills to activate, requiring only for Chi to connect with the enemy, before extending it by pressing the "Attack" button at the correct moment. In Tales of Eternia, Chi is used to activate the Divine Skill Maximum Burst, allowing it to be used as a combo finisher. However, she loses this arte in the later versions. In Tales of Destiny, Force is one of the artes that the dummied character Lilith Aileron can learn in the original version, if a glitch or cheating device is used to add her to the party. It is usually one of the first artes that a character acquires that can cause enemies to be knocked down.
This is an effective arte to clear mobs when surrounded by many enemies because of its power and force. When this arte is activated, the user slams the target with extreme force, creating a blast of energy in the image of a lion's head, which forces all nearby enemies to be blasted away and knocked to the ground. Shishisenkou as it appears in the PlayStation 2 remake of Tales of Destiny.
4.10 Tales of Destiny (PS2) + Director's Cut.4 In-Game Descriptions and Battle Quotes.